Francesco Vitucci

Francesco Vitucci

Francesco Vitucci, born in 1991, is a composer from Grumo Appula (Bari - Italy).

He graduated in Composition and Technological Musical Disciplines at the "Piccinni" Conservatory of Bari. He specialized at the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland and, subsequently, at the National Academy of Santa Cecilia (Rome), completing all courses with the full marks and honors and obtaining appreciation from his teachers (Biagio Putignano, Nadir Vassena, Michelangelo Lupone, Ivan Fedele). He is carrying out an in-depth study of electroacoustic music instruments and techniques, attending the II level Academic Course in Electronic Music (Conservatory of Bari). Ordinary member of S.I.M.C. (Società Italiana Musica Contemporanea), his works are performed in concerts and contemporary music festivals, in Italy and abroad, and have been positively evaluated in various national and international composition competitions: First Prize in the International Composition Competition "2 August” – XXVII edition (2021); "Best piece of the trilogy" award and the "Best piece among the youngest" award, within the 1st Composition Competition "Lirica da camera su testi di poeti e scrittori delle Case Museo di Romagna" (2021); “Jurypreis” and “Publikumpreis”, at the “Junges Lied-Wettbewerbes” Competition in Zurich (2022); Grand Prix in the 4th International Composer Competition “New Music Generation 2022”, organized by the Kazakh National University of Arts (2022); finalist in the “Luciano Berio” International Composition Competition (2023).

Score catalogue

Sheet music